Phonics is a method for teaching reading and writing of the English Language. Phonics involves teaching children to connect sound with letter or group of letters.

Written language is like a code, so knowing the sounds of letter and letter combinations will help children to decode words as they read. Knowing phonics also helps children to know which letters to use as they write words. Therefore learning phonics helps children to read and spell well. It creates bright children, boosts and helps them acquire logical skills in reading and writing and prevents rote learning. Since the turn of the 20th century, phonics has been widely used in primary education and in teaching English language literacy throughout the world.

Most children who are poor in reading tend to rely heavily on one reading strategy. such as the use of context and picture clues. and exclude other strategies that might be more appropriate. To become skilled, fluent readers, children need to have a repertoire of strategies to draw on.

One such effective strategy is phonics. Phonics instruction helps the student to comprehend text. It helps the student to decode words. Decoding words aids in the development of word recognition, which in turn increases reading fluency. Reading fluency improves reading comprehension because as children are no longer struggling with decoding words they can concentrate on making meaning from the text, in addition, phonics instruction improves spelling ability because it emphasizes the spelling patterns that become familiar from reading. Studies show that half of all English words can be spelled with phones rules that relate one letter to one sound.